Monday, January 30, 2012

About a discussion...

We saw the link ( in the group( given by Greg Brown: related with (Michio Kaku) to try to refute our comments.

We had commented in the page of CERN that the main mistake of relativity is in usiing of 2nd law of motion and formula of work or energy. Beside this, he has mistaken in more places, such as he is not able to examine the Michelson and Morley's experiments also. The example which is given to prove his relativity theory is wrong, because in that example classical relativity exists & he is not able to find that role of classical relativity. In this short comment, we can not explain about that. There are researches works published by "Kathmandu Research and Publication" We do not want to agree or disagree about the velocity of neutrino, because we have not observed the experiment.

We want to say in brief to Kaku as given following:

A circular disagreement which has been used by Kaku in his own favor. Kaku has written in last sentence that,

"… So in some sense they’re using relativity to defeat relativity and I think there is something circular about that".

If CERN'S scientists got or read or understand this (Kaku's) sentence ("… So in some ... circular about that") they will be able to use this sentence in favor of themselves also, because, if, CERN''S scientists have got the velocity of .
neutrino is more than velocity of light by using the relativistic system (GPS system), how can the relativity be right?

This means, According to Kaku's sentence, if using of relativity is enough to defeat the relativity, there will be saying nothing. His sentence is itself enough to defeat the relativity ...
At last we say that, the theory of relativity is also completely wrong. There will not be any pretend.

See the links: etc.
we will give information one after another… thanks & heartly thanks to all commentators...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

An experimental experience on NAST ...

One day there were some physicists in Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). An experiment had been demonstrated there. In the experiment, the weight of the liquid displaced by the partially immersed body had been got 26 grams and the upthrust or apparent loss in weight of the body had been got 101.3 grams. This means, i.e. U = 26 g, W = 101.3 g Then the result was: Upthrust experienced by the body (U) > Weight of the liquid displaced by the body (W)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

To Promote the Campaign: 'Physics Reformation Campaign'...

To Promote the Campaign: 'Physics Reformation Campaign'...

To Promote the Campaign: Physics Reformation Campaign...

To Promote the Campaign: Physics Reformation Campaign...

To Promote the Campaign: Physics Reformation Campaign...

To Promote the Campaign: Physics Reformation Campaign...

To Promote the Campaign: Physics Reformation Campaign...

To Promote the Campaign: Physics Reformation Campaign...

To Promote the Campaign: Physics Reformation Campaign...

To Promote the Campaign: Physics Reformation Campaign...


Some scientific research works ("POWER-PRINCIPLE": Copyright©: Bhabindra Kunwar, 2010, ISBN: 978-9937-2-1187-1 and 978-9937-2-2367-6, Gov. Regd. No. 572/067/68 (Nepal), pages: 134, "REFUTATION AND SOLUTION OF SOME MISTAKES IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE": Copyright©: Bhabindra Kunwar, 2011, ISBN: 978-9937-2-3096-4 Gov. Regd. No. 598/067/68 (Nepal), pages: 718, "HOW IS THE ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE WRONG?": ISBN: 9789937-2-3929-5, pages: 72 etc.) related with physics have disproved Archimedes' Principle, Newton's Second Law of Motion, Newton's Law of Gravity, Coulomb's Law, Ohm's Law, Theory of Kinetic Energy, Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Concept of Relative Time, and other more well-known theories or concepts. So, this campaign has been started for the purpose of changing of the present physics in the world. We hope that, after reading books given above and related articles, all respected persons, well-wishers, students, teachers, responsible persons, professors, philosophers, institutions, universities, colleges, literary persons, analysts, physicists, intellectuals, and other people will make this campaign worldwide.

Many related presentations and demonstrations with this campaign have been presented in some colleges, Universities, and institutions. More students, physicists, and teachers have suggested us to make the campaign worldwide. So it is requested to all respected persons, well-wishers, students, teachers, responsible persons, professors, philosophers, institutions, universities, colleges, literary persons, analysts, physicists, intellectuals, and other people to response and make this campaign ("Physics Reformation Campaign by Bhabindra: F≠ma, F≠GMm/R2, E≠mc2, ..."). Some books related with this campaign have been published and will be publishing. We will also try to give some related articles or themes in the website,, one after another.

We think, the real knowledge about the behavior of nature will be required for all people. Perhaps, we all want to use our time for useful works. For any faith, belief or respect we will not be banned or prohibited to know the reality. The things which have no scientific and factual meaning will be changed. We hope that people will get chance to know about reality. In fact, the study and analysis of the behavior of nature should be real. Most of the people say that nature has its own behavior and Physical Science have to be able to define the behavior. It is requested again to all (intellectuals, philosophers, respected persons, well-wishers, students, artists, responsible persons, friends, and others) to make this campaign worldwide. If possible, go ahead please...

The followings are also proved in the above given research works:

Upthrust is not equal to the Weight of the liquid displaced.
The usual concept of acceleration is not correct.
F ≠ ma,
F ≠ GMm/R^2,
F ≠ kq1q2/r^2,
W ≠ Fd,
W ≠ τѲ,
E ≠ mgh,
E ≠ P.E. + (1/2)mv^2,
H ≠ I^2Rt,
H ≠ hA∆Ѳ,
P ≠ VI, I ≠ Q/t,
p.d. ≠ IR (or, w/Q),
E ≠ (1/2)mv^2 + (GMm/R),
E ≠ Iω^2,
E ≠ σT4,
hf ≠ hf0 + (1/2)mv^2,
∆l' ≠ ∆l/(1-v^2/c^2),
∆m' ≠ ∆m/(1-v^2/c^2),
∆t' ≠ ∆t/(1-v^2/c^2),
E ≠ mc^2,
Fm ≠ qvBsinѲ,
F ≠ (1/4𝜋𝜖0)(e^2/r^2),
ev0 ≠ (1/2)mv^2max
Time is never relative
Dimensional concept of physics is misguiding to all physicists, etc.

And, for all conditions, we have,

F = mRt, or,
E = mRt.

Related themes or articles will be provided one after another in the website If possible, please send this informative request to your all friends or respected persons. Do not forget comment on this group and see the page @ link:

We aspect scientific refutation for this campaign also. If possible, try to refute new discoveries found out by Bhabindra Kunwar.

Something about second law of motion

There are more mistakes in the second law of motion but here has been informed about a mistake; see below and comment on this post:

Suppose a body is moving towards a point (P) from a point (O). Suppose the body has been moved by a constant regular force of 1 unit. Let the time taken by the force (as in usual meaning) on the body be 5 seconds. Let the body is in resistance less space and its velocity is 1 m/s. Let, write down the sequence of velocity in each interval according to Newton after applying the regular force respectively, such as:
1 m/s, 2 m/s, 3 m/s, 4 m/s, 5 m/s, 6 m/s

Let find the common difference (v') of the sequence of velocity in each interval:
1 m/s - 2 m/s = 1 m/s
2 m/s - 3 m/s = 1 m/s
3 m/s - 4 m/s = 1 m/s
4 m/s - 5 m/s = 1 m/s
5 m/s - 6 m/s = 1 m/s

It would be better to express the Newton's formula of the form F = m×v' than F = m×a, but both would be wrong.

Because, F ≠ mv', F ≠ mv't ≠ mdt, F ≠ ma, F ≠ mat etc.
And F = St,
or F = mRt


Which option given below would be better? Chose independently a correct option from below based on the example given above

In the second law of motion (F=ma), mass (m) should be multiplied by:

a. addition in displacement with respect to time interval (added displacement/time, or d+/t, or say vd or v')

b. addintion in velocity with respect to time interval (added velocity/time, or v+/t, or say a)

c. change in displacement with respect to time interval (added displacement/time, or d+/t, say vd or v')

d. change in velocity with respect to time interval (added velocity/time, or v+/t, say a)

[Note: If we replace 'F=ma' by 'F=md+', the corrected formula will also not be correct again, because 'F=mRt'. Here has been given such options (a, b, c, d) only for information about some simple and easy basic mistakes of the second law of motion]

From the book: "REFUTATION AND SOLUTION OF SOME MISTAKES IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE": Copyright©: 2011, ISBN: 978-9937-2-3096-4 Gov. Regd. No. 598/067/68 (Nepal), pages: 718, Published by: Kathmandu Research and Publication Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu, Nepal.

One Day...

One day, I had gone in Herald International International College, Kathmandu, to show my experiement about 'how the Archimedes Principle is wrong?'. Seven type of experiments have been shown in the day in 4 hours. Among those, in an experiment, a glass of 135g had been partially immersed on another glass. The up thrust experienced by the body (U) was got 135g and the weight of the liquid displaced by the body at that time (W) was found 19.5 g. That experiement gives: U > W.

-Bhabindra Kunwar

The above paragraph is also based on the book: 'Power Principle': Copyright©: Bhabindra Kunwar, 2010, ISBN: 978-9937-2-1187-1 (1st ed.) and 978-9937-2-2367-6 (2nd ed.), Gov. Regd. No. 572/067/68 (Nepal), page: 95 of 134.

[Note: in that college, I have gone more times to show the experiements because the physicists of the college want to know about the refutation in detail and want to analyse the refutation or disproving in many angles. And, if possible, see other results or data @ link:]

Please, do make yourself independent, if you want to check new arguments and facts. We have advertised for all who want to know the reality. Perhaps, no one can do such advertise without authentic and valid proofs but your disagreement will also be useful and necessary to make us responsible. Thanks to all commentators ... We have been really happy by your comments ... Again thanks....

Never neglect the facts and truths, if possible don't mislead the new generations...

Never neglect the facts and truths
Don't mislead the new generations...

We R in a worldwide campaign:
"Physics Reformation Campaign"
It won't be necessary to be late...

Like the page given below @link:


When somebody cannot give scientific facts or real experiments or empirical thought experiments for any theory, the nonscientific things, such as publicities, politics, propaganda, chauvinism, and unreal imaginations etc., take places in the theories. And, artificial examples are prepared by force or by propaganda for someone's interests. Also, some theories have to be accepted unknowingly in this world...

Some comments have been posted (or commented) on this group based on publicities or impressions. If we are in a scientific discussion, first, we must clear our path or vision that we are now judge man or supporters of a person. It will be better to be all of us a judge man than a supporter for such new chapters so that the law or decision can work similarly to all people (great or small). Let's do make ourselves first independent so that our time can be used more and more in scientific discussion than other interests. There may not be any achievements if we are for or against to any person's work before judging.

We, first, must be clear that famous scientists are also men like us. And, we must respect all historical persons because they entered or opened the new chapter of science or philosophy for us. But we or all generation must not be banned or not prohibited to know the real behavior of our nature in the name of any person's fame. If the thing which misleads us, we must be able to abandon that for our or new generation. We must not believe in publicity or propaganda or honor, if we are physicists or judge men. Sometimes political decision is impressed by vote or mass, but there must not be any such impressions in Physics. So, see below, if possible:

At list, all physicists have agreed with the things given below:

No one can have proved practically the second law of motion. If someone has said so, he must have clearly cheated or deceived all people. i.e. F=ma has no real or practical proof yet. For this, let's see the history of physics how the publicity affects the reality.

No one has been able to prove the theory of relativity practically. If someone gives or presents examples, he must have clearly cheated or deceived all people.

Other more theories or laws are unanswered or unclear…

But in the book, "Refutation and Solution of Some Mistakes in Physical Science", the findings given in the information about this group have been proved…

for promotion of the campaign given below:

The link @:

Physics Reformation Campaign

We are going to reform the existing or usual physical science. We hope, we all should be in favor of reality and facts...